Saturday, July 20, 2013



What we are witnessing in the unceasing national attention via the mainstream media, so-called, the President, his Attorney General, the Congressional Black caucus and a multitude of left-wing publications, is a massive effort to overcome the results of a trial.  And the trial was one that, despite the visible reluctance of the presiding judge at points, was conducted in accordance with the Rule of Law.  There were proper jury instructions that were dictated by their being set as standard within the jurisdiction where the trial took place as they are in every U.S. jurisdiction  We witnessed jurors who took their obligations and the instructions that they were given seriously, spent hours deliberating and mulled over the actual evidence as presented to come to a just and proper decision.   

We see organizations such as the American Civil Liberties Union departing from the left wing groups that they all too often run with along with a scattering of others to say that the jury has decided.  This only emphasizes that the drive to “correct” the jury’s verdict is a political drive aimed to overcome the rule of law in America.  If politics rather than a trial on the basis of the evidence can be made the norm in America, then the outcome of trials will be dictated by political power, which is what both the left, and also it can be determined from remarks coming from the theocratic rulers of Iran and leaders of jihadism in the Arab world, the violent revolutionaries of Islam, desire.  Here is was only the bringing of the charges against George Zimmerman in the first place were so dictated.  To the left and the jihadists it is desirable to reverse the famous thesis of Sir Henry Maine whereby the West grew powerful by moving away from legal results grounded in status to legal results determined by an overarching system of law that did not play political favorites.

We are mindful, going back to the Hebrew Republic that was so influential upon our founding, of a passage in Leviticus:  “Do not pervert justice; do not show partiality to the poor or favoritism to the great, but judge your neighbor fairly.”  Leviticus 19:15 NIV  Other translations translate this last part as “judge each alike based on individual justice.”

What is being demanded has nothing to do with the image of justice as a blind woman balancing the facts as presented upon a scale.  It has to do with all seeing elites who derive power from playing favorites, with the vision of the One in the Oval Office of “punishing our enemies” as preached to a race-based coalition.

This has nothing to do with “civil rights.”  Civil rights are the rights of the “cives,” which is to say, in translating the Latin literally, the rights that belong to all the citizens, not to one group more than any other, if the groups be divided along racial lines so as to split the cives into “fasces” or groups of individuals bound together in an unbreakable coalition so as to be able to override all others in the cives..  If the bulk of the cives be aroused about this effort then the bundle of “stick it to the rest of us through what was once a justice system” can be stopped and broken.  We can enjoy true civil rights based on trials on the basis of the evidence.  That would bring to fruition the Word and the dream of the “Movement” and bring both to a lasting reality.  It is not the dream of those elites whom we have mentioned at the outset of  this column nor their goal.  It is the opposite.

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